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Do Teeth Whitening Strips Work?

Do Teeth Whitening Strips Work Temple TX dental

Do Teeth Whitening Strips Work? Find Out today

There are probably a lot of products in your local drugstore that promise to whiten teeth. In the 1980s, teeth-whitening kits for use at home were first made accessible, and these days, they are widely available.

Do whitening items such as strips, however, actually work on teeth? Yes, to put it briefly. In as little as a few days, teeth whitening strips can lighten your teeth by one or two shades.

However, in-office teeth whitening procedures tend to be more successful than over-the-counter alternatives. They also carry some hazards, like heightened gum irritation and dental sensitivity.

Learn more about the best product types and how tooth whitening strips work by reading on them

Do Teeth Whitening Strips Work?

With the help of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, teeth whitening strips can potentially whiten your teeth. Hydrogen peroxide is produced when carbamide peroxide comes into contact with water.

The dentin layer of your teeth, which is deeper than the enamel layer, is where the peroxides in whitening strips work to bleach chromogens. Staining is caused by coloured molecules called chromogens, which are present both inside and outside of teeth. External and internal staining are the two types of staining.

  • External Staining; Your teeth exterior is stained by extrinsic staining, which is mostly brought on by external variables:
    • ● Cigarette smoking
    • ● Specific foods and beverages, including dark berries, wine, and coffee
    • ● Antibiotics
    • ● exposure to metals like copper or iron.

  • Internal staining; The inside of your teeth are impacted by intrinsic staining. It is brought on by things like
    • ● age-related degradation of enamel
    • ● Inborn
    • ● Antibiotics
    • ● Exposure to fluoride at high concentrations.
    • ● Problems involving tooth development.

  • External and internal stains are the targets of whitening strips:

    Both kinds of stains are targets for whitening strips. Generally speaking, stains brought on by ageing, heredity, smoking, or coffee react to bleaching the fastest. Ageing stains with a yellowish tint also react well.

    The ideal time to use whitening strips would be if you just need to slightly adjust the colour of your teeth.

    You might want to think about getting professional teeth whitening from a dentist if you want more dramatic results. A dentist can provide you with a personalised treatment plan that best meets your needs and utilise stronger bleaches.

Ingredients Are Important When it Comes to Efficacy

To bleach stains on your teeth, hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide are typically found in at-home whitening strips. Chlorine dioxide may be included in some strips, though, particularly those used in certain beauty parlours and on cruise liners.

Although its safety is up for debate, chlorine dioxide is marketed as a safer and more effective substitute. Your tooth enamel may be stripped by chlorine dioxide. Additionally, it can increase the likelihood of discoloration and hypersensitivity in your teeth.

How Much Time Does it Take to Notice Results?

The market is filled with several kinds of teeth whitening strips, and brand instructions differ. For two weeks, you usually use whitening strips twice a day. Typically, you keep them on for thirty minutes. Your teeth may lighten by one or two shades with tooth lightening, which can be noticed in as little as a few days. Certain products can provide the same effects with just one application every day.

Risks and Safety Measures to be Mindful of

It is well known that using teeth whitening strips can irritate the gums and increase tooth sensitivity. These symptoms are usually not too bad.

Tooth sensitivity typically occurs during the first few days of treatment. Gum discomfort usually lasts for many days and can begin the day after treatment.

The higher the concentration of peroxide in the whitener and the longer you leave them on, the higher the chance of experiencing these adverse effects.

Utilising high hydrogen peroxide concentrations may cause structural damage to your teeth and increase their susceptibility to demineralization. The depletion of calcium and other minerals from your teeth is known as demineralization.

Research has indicated that using 35% carbamide peroxide can cause structural damage to enamel. Studies have revealed that enamel may sustain structural damage when 35% carbamide peroxide is used.


Your teeth could become a shade or two lighter using teeth whitening strips. Results from treatment might become apparent as soon as a few days later.

The best use for at-teeth whitening strips whitening treatments is minor tooth discolouration correction. You might want to schedule an in-office cleaning with your dentist if you have severe stains.

Consult your dentist before using any teeth-whitening products, and be sure the product bears the American Dental Association's (ADA) Seal of Acceptance. .

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